Posted on Jan 6th 2015
Workplace incidents reporting
The model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act sets out certain types of workplace incidents that need to be notified to regulators. Only the most serious safety incidents are intended to be notifiable and they trigger requirements to preserve the incident site pending further direction from the regulator.
Notifiable incidents are:
- the death of a person
- a ‘serious injury or illness’, or
- a dangerous incident arising out of work carried out by a business, undertaking or a workplace.
Notifiable incidents relate to any person—whether an employee, contractor or member of the public.
If a notifiable incident occurs the model WHS Act sets out that:
- immediate notification of a ‘notifiable incident’ to the regulator, after becoming aware of it
- if the regulator asks—written notification with 48 hours of the request, and
- preservation of the incident site until an inspector arrives or directs otherwise.
For more information on notifiable incidents please contact your work health and safety regulator.
If you need to report a workplace incident contact the regulator in your jurisdiction (see table below).
Jurisdiction | Regulator | Telephone | Website |
New South Wales | WorkCover NSW | 13 10 50 | Website not applicable for notifications |
Victoria | Victorian WorkCover Authority | 1800 136 089 | |
Queensland | Workplace Health and Safety Qld | 1300 369 915 | |
South Australia | SafeWork SA | 1300 365 255 | |
Western Australia | WorkSafe WA | 1300 307 877 | |
Australian Capital Territory | WorkSafe ACT | 02 6207 3000 | |
Tasmania | WorkSafe TAS |
1300 366 322 (Within Tasmania) 03 6233 7657 (External) | |
Northern Territory | NT WorkSafe | 1800 019 115 | |
Commonwealth | Comcare | 1300 366 979 | |